During this time of the coronavirus, you’re working from home. What strategies can you best use? Over 30 coaches meet here to give you daily tips!!


Schedule of our daily webinars? mycoach.zone/events

Episode 1: Zoom Meetings: Ready, Set, Go! – Senia Maymin

1. Make sure you have your water. Stay hydrated! 2. Set up your video so that you look good on screen, with some framing and lighting tips 3. Make sure your sound is clear, with some tips for fixing problems. Be sure to ask participants, “Can you hear and see me well?” View Senia Maymin’s bio at www.svchange.com/Senia

Episode 2: How to Successfully Work from Home; Creating Structure – Sharon Dangzer

Includes a wealth of ideas for creating structure including: 1. Morning routines that signal the brain to focus 2. Setting up dedicated work spaces 3. Figuring out what gets in the way and then finding ways to avoid 4. Planning the day the night before. 5. Taking breaks regularly 6. Setting up boundaries and rules See Sharon’s bio at svchange.com/Sharon

Episode 3: How to Stay Connected While Social Distancing – Ilene Schaffer

Answers the question: How do we connect socially with others so that we leave feeling energized and not depleted? 1. Why? Who? How? and When of socially connecting. 2. Who do we let in right now? Who do we keep at a distance? 3. Connection Menu 4. Build your A-team.

Episode 4: 5 Tips to Stay Focused While Working From Home

1. Set up rituals. 2. Pick 3 most important tasks. 3. Find your spot. 4. Signal concentration. 5. Be flexible. See Venessa’s bio at svchange.com/Venessa

Episode 5: How to Successfully Work from Home: Connection and Well Being – Sharon Danzger

1. Four ways to stay connected to people 2. Three keys to productivity: Sleep, Exercise, Mindfulness Practice 3. Guided meditation by Cory Muscara View Sharon Danzger’s bio at www.svchange.com/Sharon

Episode 6: Calming Your Inner Chaos – Kelly Beischel

Several techniques for calming your brain and being self-compassionate including 1. Name and allow your emotions. 2. Talk to your anxious self. Imagine this part of yourself. What does it need? 3. Imagine what the most loving person in your life would say to you right now. 4. Pick your own mantra for anxious times. For example, “In this moment: you are safe.” 5. Think about how you want to feel and then what thoughts you need to have that feeling. 6. Point to an object — any object — and name it. That brings your thinking brain to the fore. Visit Kelly’s bio at svchange.com/Kelly

Episode 7: 3 Tips for Greater Bravery in Your Work and Life – Senia Maymin

My definition of bravery: Doing what is right even when it is hard. 1. Bravery in the past: Remembering times when you’ve already been brave. What’s your bravery DNA? 2. Bravery in the present: Being ready physically and mentally to take action. Get enough sleep. Go for a walk. 3. Bravery in the future: Regularly remind yourself of bravery. Specific time every day for bravery check-in: Ask yourself, “What is the bravest thing I can do right now?” View Senia’s bio at svchange.com/Senia

Episode 8: 3 Simple Things You Can Do To Create The Best Day Possible – Ilene Schaffer

Ask yourself this question: “How do I want to feel at the end of the day?” 1) A night-time ritual can’t do all the work to prepare you for restful sleep. 2) What are you doing during the day to set yourself up for a successful evening? 3) Three common mistakes people make during the day (including the plow-through-the-day mentality) 4) Three things that you want to do during the day to set up a restful evening and sleep (including colorful sprinkles as a visual cue to sprinkle moments of joy throughout the day). Visit Ilene’s bio at svchange.com/Ilene

Episode 9: Strategies for Deep Learning When Training & Meeting Remotely – Kelly Beischel

1. The value of your presentation is not based on what you say, but on what participants do after you say it — Begin with the end in mind. 2. Think about what you want people to “Know, Feel, Do.” 3. Explaining doesn’t work. 4. Engage emotions! They help people focus our reason and logic. They increase deep learning. 5. Stories and case studies: with suspense, surprise, fascinating facts. The brain doesn’t pay attention to boring things! 6. Hook or awareness technique every 10 minutes! And more techniques for increasing attention and learning. View Kelly’s bio at svchange.com/Kelly

Episode: 10 Present Like a Rockstar….Virtually – Shannon Polly

Preparing to present? Think about: 1. Your intention, preferably a strong infinitive verb (to motivate, to inspire) 2. Your attention, being ready to be focused on what’s happening 3. Your tension, remembering that nobody else knows you’re nervous! 4. Your facial muscles. They need to be warmed up just like an athlete’s body before a race. View Shannon’s bio at www.svchange.com/Shannon

Episode 11: How to Stay Sane & Resilient While Working From Home – Stella Grizont

Watch this video to: 1) Instantly reduce anxiety when you’re ruminating about worst case scenarios 2) Learn how to talk to yourself in a compassionate way to ease your inner critic 3) Reframe situations to stay present, positive, and hopeful Visit Stella’s bio at svchange.com/Stella

Episode 12: Being Alone Together – Alex Jack

Working at home with your family? Alex explores many ways to make this a time that builds your relationships rather than breaks them down, focusing on survival, sanity, and productivity. For example, 1) How do you avoid under-foot-itis? 2) How do you share managing the kids? 3) How do you mitigate larger irritations? Visit Alex’s bio at svchange.com/Alex

Episode 13: How To Keep Thriving When Life Keeps Changing – Ilene Schaffer

How do you stand in your power when there is so much noise around us? 1) The process for transitions in general, so we can understand where we are relative to all the changes happening right now; 2) STAR transitions inventory: wellness in four key areas; 3) Four practical takeaways: things to do to use this information effectively. Read Ilene’s bio at svchange.com/Ilene

Episode 14: Bravery at Work during These Times – Senia Maymin

You can call on your Bravery reserves when times are tough. Bravery as an investment. What is bravery: Doing what’s right even when it’s hard. 2 tools. 1) 100 Spider Webs: Fear of spider webs? Walk through 100 spider webs. 2) Floss one tooth. Make tiny steps towards new habits. What is hard? What is easy?

Episode 15: You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf – Sandy Lewis

What if we leave this time of quarantine at home having learned about our own natural rhythms? As a wild extravert and Type A executive, I struggled at first to work from home. Limiting belief that I should be productive 100% of the time, so I beat myself up. Main tool for understanding my own rhythms is RAIN from Tara Brach: R=Recognize what’s happening; A=Allowing the experience; I=Investigate with interest and care; N=Nurture with self-compassion. Shifts me toward greater creativity: What can I do with ebbing days that might feed me? Also remember to care for my physical self: Sleep, meditate, exerciseaaa View Sandy’s bio at svchange.com/Sandy

Episode 16: Try remote coworking to decrease loneliness & increase productivity – Kelly Beischel

Coworking virtually: Ways to achieve community, connection, and getting off the couch. Kelly describes a few different approaches that include: 1. Getting on zoom together for extended periods of time 2. Coming with an intention: What do I want to achieve? 3. Setting up a check-in structure at predictable times. E.g., Pomodoro: 25 minutes work, then check in It can be like working together in a coffee shop, only online, either as pairs or in group masterminds. View Kelly’s bio at svchange.com/kelly

Episode 17: Managing Your Well being Day to Day – Doug Turner

Doug talks about his own daily practices to feel more in control in times of stress, incorporating all elements of PERMA: P = Positive Emotion E = Engagement, feeling very involved in what he’s doing R = Positive relationships M = Meaningfulness A = Accomplishment View Doug’s bio at www.svchange.com/Doug

Episode 18: How Do We Want to Remember These Times? – Kathryn Britton

We are living through historic times. Take time to record what you’re experiencing right now for the benefit of your future self and your descendants. Example: grandfather’s WW I letter home. Three questions: 1. What’s happening right now? 2. What’s hard? 3. What have we figured out? Plus some techniques to make this easy enough for you to fit into your busy lives. For an article based on this interview, see www.linkedin.com/pulse/capture-your-pandemic-experience-senia-maymin/ For more videos in this series, check out the Tools menu at mycoach.zone

Episode 19: Self Care & Avoiding Burnout During Difficult Times – Venessa Perry

After discussing both burnout and self-care as an antidote, Venessa makes 3 key points: 1. Your well-being is as important as anyone else’s. 2. Taking care of yourself is not selfish. 3. Taking care of yourself makes you better able to care for others. Make it non-negotiable! Includes 9 ways to practice physical, mental, or spiritual self-care and 10 specific activities. See Venessa’s bio at svchange.com/Venessa

Episode 20: Strengths in This Time? Who Wants to Do That? – Sandy Lewis

If I could wave a magic wand, all of us would show up at work and home as our best authentic selves. Focus on VIA character strengths: www.viacharacter.org/ 1. Using this time of stress as a chance to discover who we are at our best, pick up the pieces and put them together differently — using our strengths more intentionally. 2. Strengthspotting in others — appreciating how they are different from us. Catch them doing something right and label it. 3. Tayyab Rashid’s list of ways to exercise strengths: bit.ly/BuildVIAStrengths View Sandy’s bio at svchange.com/Sandy

Episode 21: How to Successfully Navigate Negativity at Work and at Home – David Pollay

1. So much negativity around. It can whittle away at our health. 2. Framework for dealing productively and effectively with negativity from others. 3. Don’t dump on ourselves! (Avoid regrets and toxic worry.) 4. Law of the Garbage Truck is one possible solution ( amzn.to/2W8W8Qh ) Along with some additional tools… See David’s bio at svchange.com/David

Episode 22: The Optimistic Mind and Learning from Wins – Pete Berridge

1) To get even better, study things that work, not things that are broken. 2) Pay attention to your explanatory style and take time to let in the good. 3) Practice positive deviance: Look for solutions to your problems that already exist within your community. 4) When you succeed, study what made the difference. To see more Work Remote videos, click mycoach.zone/WorkRemote Pete’s website is shiftpositive360.com

Episode 23: Play Small to Stay in the Game – Ilene Schaffer

A counter-view to “go big or go home.” You’re already home! Let’s focus on feeling well physically. 1. Know your why for staying on the wellness path 2. Why I took on this topic: Health impacts the way we show up at work 3. Three tiny tweaks to your shelter-in-place routine for BIG Impact on physical health and well-being Visit Ilene’s bio at svchange.com/Ilene

Episode 24: All My Questions Answered: Brian Branagan and Doug Turner

Questions and answers with three coaches. Sample questions: 1. What if your manager is asking you to do even more than before when your home demands are also increasing? Now it feels like you’re being asked to do way more than 100% (Scrum boards on Trello, Eisenhower matrix — use at work AND at home) 2. How can people keep connecting with others without connecting feeling like yet another to-do? (View as opportunity to revitalize, do it in a way that feels fun, frame it as recess; Map out the people who are important and reminisce about why those people are in your life.) View Doug’s bio at svchange.com/Doug View Brian’s bio at svchange.com/Brian

Episode 25: A Short Checklist for Running Great Virtual Meetings – Senia Maymin

1) Plan and Roles: Agenda, whether it’s a decision-making or information-sharing meeting, define the roles of the participants (skeptic/supporter or strategic/tactical). Thus, start with WHY, WHAT, HOW, WHO? 2) Emotions: What emotional tone do you want to set? How can you create positive emotion or make your meeting the most fun part of someone’s day? 3) Actions: Have people type in the chat the actions they’ll take as a result of the meeting. View Senia’s bio at svchange.com/Senia

Episode 26: How to Grow Your Business during the Pandemic – Margaret Greenberg

1) My 80/20 rule: 80% of time checking in with existing clients, 20% reaching out to potential new clients. 2) When COVID-19 ends, your clients are going to remember: How did you interact with them during this time? 3) It’s all about relationships, relationships, relationships. 4) Help your clients go beyond problems to aspirations 5) Use double-tapping. For an article based on this interview, see www.linkedin.com/pulse/growing-business-during-pandemic-margaret-greenberg-senia-maymin/ Visit Margaret’s bio at www.thegreenberggroup.org/about-us/founder/

Episode 27: Reducing Stress and Anxiety during This Time with Louisa Jewell

Louisa polled the viewers, finding that they were feeling stress at an average of 6 out of 10. Then she talked about both the day-to-day stressors and the moments of high stress. 1. Three things to understand about yourself and stress: the emotions that occur when you get stressed out, the thoughts (what you are saying to yourself), and the physical effects. We will talk about each of these because all suggest ways to handle stress. 2. Review of the SCARF model of stressors: Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, and Fairness. 3. Rethink your standards: “Peace at 6” For an article based on this interview, see www.linkedin.com/pulse/stress-triggers-strategies-senia-maymin/ For more videos in this series, check out the Tools menu at mycoach.zone

Episode 28: AMA about Strategies for Working Remotely – Silicon Valley Change coaches

1) 02:53 Everybody’s complaining about social distancing. Is it bad that I enjoy it? 2) 05:30 I wake up in the morning either feeling “Hey, I got this,” or “Oh no! I’m so far behind.” How should I handle this? 3) 14:30 People need me too much. I have too many meetings, too many people calling on me. What should I do? Visit the coach bios: Sandy Lewis at svchange.com/Sandy David Pollay at svchange.com/david Ilene Schaffer at svchange.com/ilene Giselle Timmerman at svchange.com/giselle

Episode 29: Remember to Breathe: Creating Coherence in a Crazy World – Brian Branagan

* To build cohesive teams across distances, invite people to breathe together. * Different kinds of breathing produce different moods and mindsets. * Slow dropped breathing is available to you at any time to combat incoherent thoughts! Suzanne Zeman’s Listening to Bodies: A Somatic Primer – amzn.to/2Aeh1lX HeartMath: experience.heartmath.com/ For a LinkedIn article based on this video, visit www.linkedin.com/post/edit/6667570890160644096/ For more videos in this series, check out the Tools menu at mycoach.zone

Episode 30: High Five Prioritizing – Senia Maymin

Senia Maymin talked about a technique for dealing with priorities in several different spheres of life at once. She calls it High-Five Prioritizing. Every morning and/or every evening, ask yourself 5 quick questions to make sure you are on track. First figure out what your five top areas are. Right now, Senia’s are exercise, family, work, big projects, and keeping the house going. Before COVID-19, her fifth was writing children’s books, but that has to take a backseat for now.. She asks herself morning and evening: 1. How satisfied am I on a scale of 0 to 10 with each area? 2. What can I do to improve my scores? To see more Work Remote videos, click mycoach.zone/WorkRemote To view Senia’s bio, click svchange.com/Senia

Episode 31: The Art of The Question: Shifting Focus through Inquiry – Sandy Lewis

Sandy Lewis talks about changing the types of questions we ask to change our focus and bring on greater creativity. * Instead of “What keeps you up at night?” ask “What’s already working that you can build on?” * Instead of “What’s broken here?” ask “What would you like to see more of?” * At the dinner table, ask “What went well for you today?” This is an approach called Appreciative Inquiry that is based on the premise that we shape the future with the questions we ask. To see more Work Remote videos, click mycoach.zone/WorkRemote To view Sandy’s bio, click svchange.com/Sandy

Episode 32: When You Don’t Have Confidence in One Thing You’re Doing – Senia Maymin

My clients are experiencing many doubts that are leading to a loss of confidence. AIM Model for enhancing confidence: * A = Amazing. What have you done amazingly well in this domain? * I = Iterate. Make small movements toward your goal over and over. * M = Minimize. Minimize the stakes of going for your goal. For example, rehearsing a talk that you need to give minimizes the risk that you’ll freeze on stage. For more videos in the Work Remote series, visit mycoach.zone/WorkRemote

Episode 33: The Stories of You – Margarita Tarragona

In every conversation, we highlight certain experiences and not others. So we are constantly writing our own stories. * Shine a light on what goes well, what is strong, the more luminous parts of our lives. * If friends lose jobs, help them separate their identities and sense of worth from their job status. * Ask “Which of your strengths would you like to be able to apply in the next job?” * Thicken the plot. People are more than one adjective! * Turn adjectives into nouns. After “I’m so explosive!” ask “What are these explosions like?” The problem becomes a separate entity. To see more videos in the Work Remote series, visit mycoach.zone/WorkRemote To view Margarita’s bio, visit svchange.com/Margarita

Episode 34: Ask Me Anything with Sandy Lewis and Kelly Beischel

Coaches Sandy Lewis and Kelly Beischel answer the questions: * I’m feeling drained and exhausted. What should I do about this tiredness? * There are waves of uncertainty going on now. How should we deal with the uncertainty? To view other videos in the Work Remote series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote To visit Sandy’s bio, go to svchange.com/Sandy To visit Kelly’s bio, go to svchange.com/Kelly

Episode 35: Character Strengths Matter: How to Live a Full Life…During a Pandemic – Shannon Polly

Shannon Polly talks about using awareness of our character strengths to get through these difficult times. Among other messages, she tells us 1) Use heart strengths such as kindness, especially toward ourselves. 2) Whatever strengths you have, they are the best ones for you to employ. 3) It’s possible to overuse strengths, so dial back if your persistence or self-regulation is making you anxious. 4) There’s always more to learn about your character strengths. Together with emotional intelligence and a sense of meaning, using them effectively is highly correlated to well-being in life and work. Visit Shannon’s bio at svchange.com/Shannon

Episode 36: The Power of Hope – Doug Turner

Hope depends on three factors: 1. Pathway thinking: Can you see at least one path to where you want to go? 2. Agency thinking: Can you picture yourself walking those paths? 3. Goal thinking: Do you have a goal that is really your own? In this time of COVID-19, we all need to find new pathways, as old ones are blocked. When one pathway gets blocked, we can change our energy to follow another. That skill, which preserves hope, will be useful to us throughout life. View Doug’s bio at svchange.come/Doug

Episode 37: The Effective Way to Give Feedback – Pete Berridge

The usual feedback experience is broken due to design + delivery flaws. Feedback at its best: 1. You trust the intention of the person giving it 2. There is context for the feedback. 3. You understand what to do rather than what not to do. 4. It’s timely. 5. You have social support to reinforce improvement. To view more Work Remote Strategy videos, visit mycoach.zone/WorkRemote To learn more about Shift+ visit www.shiftpositive360.com/

Episode 38: What if? Preparing Ahead to be Resilient – Kathryn Britton

Kathryn describes four actions that people can take ahead of adversity to be ready when it comes. 1. Learn how to calm yourself down. What works for you? 2. Collect a positive portfolio of things that give you pleasure. 3. Practice reframing what happens. Know where you have interpretive latitude. 4. Inventory your resources. To read more about these 4 steps to resilience, check out tinyurl.com/BuildResilienceforHardTimes Visit Kathryn’s bio at svchange.com/Kathryn See more Work Remote Strategies at tinyurl.com/WorkRemoteYoutube

Episode 39: AMA about Strategies for Working Remotely – SVC coaches

Coaches Giselle Timmerman and Kathryn Britton addressed the following questions: 1. How do I get myself to start that activity that I have been wanting to start? How do I choose a hobby or interest to pursue? 2. At what point does something that has been bothering you turn into something that you should have a conversation about? 3. What is something that we have seen a client do really well during these pandemic times? 4. What is one thing that you would suggest to our listeners as our ending thought? To view more Work Remote Strategy videos, visit mycoach.zone/WorkRemote Visit Kathryn’s Bio: svchange.com/Kathryn Visit Giselle’s Bio: svchange.com/Giselle

Episode 40: SARI Stories – Senia Maymin

Senia Maymin describes a way to tell stories about yourself in a job interview or customer meeting in a humble, truthful, and powerful way. She calls these SARI stories, and she walks us through one she’d tell about herself. S = Situation. That gives drama before you even start talking about what you did. A = Action. What step did you take to address the situation? R = Result. What happened as a result of your action? How did the situation change? I = Interesting observation. These can be quirky and fun! Often when she’s working with someone, she first asks about Results and then moves back to help them vocalize Situation and Action. To see other videos in the Work Remote Strategy series, visit mycoach.zone/WorkRemote

Episode 41: Emotional Regulation During the COVID-19 Outbreak – Omid Alaei

Omid Alaei talks about the way emotions work and then gives a few tips about regulating them, especially when they are intense and not constructive. 1. Identify the emotions 2. Observe them 3. Label and re-appraise 4. RANDOM emotion check – 10am to 10pm five times per day. Maybe random alarm on your phone to remind you. 5. Name your context – “in the context of my work, of my home” 6. Deliberate breathing, counting backwards… Atlas of emotions: atlasofemotions.org View more Work Remote Strategies videos at mycoach.zone/WorkRemote Visit Omid’s bio: www.svchange.com/Omid/

Episode 42: Leading With Confidence – Ilene Schaffer

Ilene Schaffer explains that confidence means feeling good in your own skin. It’s not always having the right answer. It’s being able to be vulnerable and able to ask for help. Ilene explains her party hat of confidence picture layered with 5 P’s: Patience, Presence, Preparation, Practice, and People. She leaves the audience with 3 questions and a quotation: 1. Who can you raise up? In the process, you show confidence in yourself. 2. In what area can you dangle your toe and grow a little bit? 3. Who can you learn from? “You already possess everything necessary to become great.” Ilene’s party hat of confidence: www.ileneschaffer.com/s/ConfidencePyramid.pdf View more Work Remote Strategies videos at mycoach.zone/WorkRemote Visit Ilene’s bio at www.svchange.com/Ilene/

Episode 43: AMA about Strategies for Working Remotely – SVC coaches

Kelly Beischel and Ilene Schaffer answered the following questions: 1. I feel like I’ve entered the second stage of the pandemic. And now I need to be productive. So what should I start with? Cleaning my garage? Growing my business? 2. There are often important meetings after the meeting with no ability to really read the other person’s body language or get their temperature, pun intended. How do I foster these conversations and establish those sponsors and those champions? 3. What do you most wish for our viewers today? What is the suggestion you have for them or a wish for them as they go off to their weekend and then the next week of work? Visit Kelly’s bio at svchange.com/Kelly Visit Ilene’s bio at svchange.com/Ilene See more Work Remote Strategy videos at mycoach.com/WorkRemote

Episode 44: The Meaning of Life – Senia Maymin

Senia Maymin explains why she thinks the meaning of life is about * doing good * asking questions * telling stories For more videos in the Work Remote series, visit mycoach.zone/WorkRemote

Episode 45: To Make Change, Go Smaller than You Think – Senia Maymin

Many people believe that change is made when you are inspired enough and motivated enough. I don’t believe that. A big why is not enough. I don’t believe you should strive for 10 times what you want to achieve. Moonshots are cool, but they are not the way people change their lives. I believe that change needs to be very incremental and that you need to enjoy it in order for change to stick. Let me explain flimsy frameworks and small goals. Do a little bit, walk away, come back, and do some more. For more Work Remote Strategies, visit mycoach.zone/workremote/ Senia’s dissertation discussing flimsy frameworks is here: stacks.stanford.edu/file/druid:hy081dn7407/Thesis_SeniaMaymin_May_2013-augmented.pdf

Episode 46: How to Reach Success on Your Own Terms – David Pollay

It is possible to build a successful career that is full of good fulfilling days. Framework of three things that David has tested: * Find joy every day * Do what you love * Make a difference David shares some strategies for living according to this framework, which is also described in his book, The Three Promises: tinyurl.com/3PromisesBook Visit David’s bio at svchange.com/David View more Work Remote Strategies at tinyurl.com/workremotestrategies

Episode 47: Staying Mentally Sane like a Rockstar – Marie-Louise Murville and Senia Maymin

In a discussion moderated by Anna Consani, Marie-Louise Marville and Senia Maymin talk about health, wellness, and staying sane. * Life management, health, and wellness are not taught in business or engineering schools, but they are critically important to personal well-being and business success. * Life management metrics help you see how well you’re doing on health, diet, exercise, managing stress, and so on. * Take small steps. Change small habits. Set up small beneficial constraints. Visit Marie-Louise Marville’s site, www.delightme.com/, to focus on setting goals and taking small steps. View more Work Remote Strategy videos at mycoach.zone/WorkRemote

Episode 48: Ask Me Anything about Strategies for Working Remotely – SVC Coaches

All My Questions Answered with Senia Maymin and Brian Branagan. Here are the questions that came up today: 1. Right now, there are a lot of things going on in the world, and I’m not sure what to do. What should I do to start understanding what actions I should take? 2. You recently had a talk about small habits that people can build at this time that will sustain them even beyond the coronavirus time. How do I even get started with my first small habit? Visit Brian’s bio at svchange.com/Brian See more Work Remote Strategy videos at mycoach.com/WorkRemote

Episode 49: Three Steps to Getting Your Ideal Job – Senia Maymin

Senia walks us through three steps that can help us find our ideal jobs: 1. Fun networking, also called aimless connecting. Do a little daily. Call somebody or text somebody. 2. During interviews, asking good questions, such as “What is your goal over the next 6 months?” “How does this role help you meet your goals?” and “What are the characteristics of people who have done well in this role?” 3. Telling engaging stories. Have 3 SARI stories ready and 2 as backup. Match the stories you tell as closely as possible to the role you’re interviewing for. For more Work Remote Strategy videos, visit mycoach.zone/workremote/ For the video about SARI stories, visit www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmFxw_s8kbA&list=PLXY813hnUnJyUch0KsNBKLAZVxVS61BVF&index=14

Episode 50: How to Have Conversations about Race with your Colleagues and Co-workers – SVC Coaches

Senia Maymin, Kelly Beischel, Ilene Schaffer, and Venessa Perry discussed the following questions: 1. What are our personal reasons for having this conversation about talking about race with our colleagues? 2. What happens when we don’t have these conversations? What does silence mean? 3. These conversations can be very uncomfortable. What should we think about that discomfort? 4. Ilene brought up the ending to Venessa’s powerful Medium article about black people facing two pandemics right now, “Check on your Black friends and colleagues. We’re not okay. And you shouldn’t be either.” Why does reaching out matter and what can we say? It’s a time to unlearn some things and relearn others. * Venessa’s article on Medium: A Tale of Two Pandemics: Coronavirus and Racism, Both Affect Black People. medium.com/@venessamperry/a-tale-of-two-pandemics-coronavirus-and-racism-both-affect-black-people-b0f5cf31e29f * Venessa and Ilene recommended the book, White Fragility: amzn.to/2Asg0Hd * Senia mentioned the Mellody Hobson talk: Color Blind or Color Brave? www.ted.com/talks/mellody_hobson_color_blind_or_color_brave?language=en

Episode 51: Creating Forcing Functions to Reinforce Desirable Habits – Senia Maymin

Today’s topic is about positive forcing functions, small actions that make it more likely that you do things you want to do. Senia presents 3 that she calls breakfast, lunch, and dinner versions. * Breakfast: Remind yourself to take your vitamins by putting the bottle on the table the night before * Lunch: Put yourself on mute during after-lunch conference calls to slow down your responses so you don’t speak up in the heat of the moment. Just a few seconds can help you cool down. * Supper: Take the batteries out of your remote control so that you don’t reflexively watch TV after supper. For more videos in the Work Remote Strategies series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote/

Episode 52: ABC+DE and the Collaborative Communication Framework – Ilene Schaffer

Ilene Schaffer walked us through two tools that she uses frequently with clients: * The ABC plus DE model, which is a way to get unstuck from an unhelpful negative spiral and shift thinking in more powerful directions. * The Collaborative Communication Framework, which is a way to approach difficult conversations or present something in a way that motivates people to jump on board. For more videos in the Work Remote Strategies series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote/ Visit Ilene’s bio at svchange.com/Ilene

Episode 53: In a New Leadership Position? In Zoom Meetings All Day? – Sandy Lewis, Senia Maymin

Sandy Lewis and Senia Maymin answered questions that have come in from viewers. 1. When you are new to a leadership position, how do you get off to a good start? 2. Let’s assume this is happening right now. How do you get off to a good start virtually? 3. When you have meetings that you have to take all day long because you are in a leadership role, what can you do for your own sanity? Without saying no too much, what do you do? For more videos in the Work Remote Strategies series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote/ Visit Sandy’s bio at svchange.com/Sandy Visit Senia’s bio at svchange.com/Senia

Episode 55: How to Have a Check-In with Your Team Member (or Spouse or Manager) – Stella Grizont

How do we have a real check-ins with team members to make sure they are okay in this time of pandemic and social change? DURING THE CONVERSATION: 1) Anything can happen… Listen and mirror language the other person uses. Be curious! 2) Know what resources you can muster to help. Ask what you can do to help. 3) Make the person you’re speaking with FEEL SAFE 4) Help people give themselves permission to say, “No.” Visit Stella’s bio at svchange.com/stella This series is sponsored by MyCoach at mycoach.zone

Episode 54: How to Make Change? The Prochaska Model – Senia Maymin

What can people do to make a change they want to make? First, understand how change occurs. The Prochaska model helps us understand change dynamics. Stages occur in a spiral, meaning there’s a lot of backtracking: * Precontemplation – I don’t even know I need to change. * Contemplation – I want to, and I don’t want to change. * Preparation – Getting ready to changing. * Action – Actually making the change * Maintenance – Keeping the change going * Termination – The change is such a part of your life that you don’t need to invest effort any more. View Senia’s bio at svchange.com/Senia These videos are sponsored by MyCoach at mycoach.zone

Episode 56: Doing in-depth interviews about strengths – Margarita Tarragona

Margarita shows us how to * Start an inquiry into strengths with curiosity about the history of those strengths * Ask questions, such as, – “Which of your strengths are most in evidence in your life right now?” – “Give me an anecdote from your life that shows that strength in action.” – “What weakens or detracts energy from this strength?” – “How is this strength relevant in your life?” View Margarita’s bio at svchange.com/Margarita These videos are sponsored by MyCoach at mycoach.zone

Episode 57: Triggered? Use the REACH Model – Senia Maymin

Something happens that triggers a strong response. Try using the REACH model to handle it: * Rational: Is what I’m thinking true? * Emotional: How did it make me feel? * Authenticity: Why does this affect me so strongly? * Choices: What choices do I have right now? * Habits: What habits for dealing with stressful situations are effective for you? More about each element, including more questions in the video. Visit Senia’s bio at svchange.com/Senia These videos are sponsored by MyCoach at mycoach.zone

Episode 58: When People at Work Disagree with Me – What Do I Do? – Brian Branagan and Senia Maymin

Senia invited Brian to explain ECHO Listening as a lead-up to answering today’s questions. * “I have a team member who disagrees with me. I see things that the person may not be seeing. How do I listen to my team member and at the same time influence them to see things my way?” * “It’s very hard to network virtually. In person, you can easily develop informal relationships. How do we do this virtually?” Senia mentioned the session with Margaret Greenberg about connecting with clients now: www.linkedin.com/pulse/growing-business-during-pandemic-margaret-greenberg-senia-maymin/ View Brian’s bio at svchange.com/Brian View Senia’s bio at svchange.com/Senia These videos are sponsored by MyCoach at mycoach.zone

Episode 59: Parenting and Working in Covid-19 – Sherri Fisher

Sherri Fisher is both a parent and an experienced coach for children and parents. She discusses: * How to deal with children that are acting out * Productive questions to help children find their own solutions * Ways to handle conflicts between children without becoming the judge * Managing your own emotions effectively View Sherri’s bio at svchange.com/Sherri This series is sponsored by MyCoach: mycoach.zone

Episode 60: Research Findings I Wish I Knew When My Kids Were Little – Sharon Feldman Danzger

Sharon has raised 4 children to adulthood, and has only recently studied positive psychology formally. Senia asked her to reflect on research that she wished she’d know when her children were small. Here are some highlights of things she wishes she’d done differently: * A mindfulness practice for myself and for them. * A gratitude practice in place of, “That was great. Here’s how you could be even better.” * A focus on effort instead of achievement View Sharon’s bio at svchange.com/Sharon These videos are brought to you by MyCoach at mycoach.zone

Episode 61: Integrative Thinking – Senia Maymin

Integrative Thinking is a term coined by Roger Martin for the ability to face constructively the tension of conflicting ideas. Let’s call them A and B. * Look beyond simple summaries of A and B. * Mull over the complexities and nuances. * Holding both ideas together is like having an opposable thumb. * The goal is to find a solution that is superior to both A and B. Roger Martin’s HBR paper can be found here: hbr.org/2007/06/how-successful-leaders-think See Senia’s bio at svchange.com/Senia The Work Remote Series is sponsored by MyCoach at mycoach.zone

Episode 62: The Thing You Start Today Is The Thing You Start Today WITH Senia Maymin

Senia is a fan of Kaizen and small habits. So she proposed two small habits to keep projects moving. * Take an external step. An internal step is thinking about the project. An external step is getting somebody else to think about it. Publish something or send an email to somebody who can influence the way the project works out. * If the external step doesn’t work, turn it around and try again elsewhere. Think of Ray Bradbury mailing stories to the next publisher on his list the same day he received a rejection letter. Get it in process somewhere else. View Senia’s bio at svchange.com/Senia These videos are sponsored by MyCoach at mycoach.zone

Episode 63: Now introducing…..TOOLS FOR WORKING REMOTELY!

First, this is the introductory video for our turn towards focusing on tools for working effectively, especially remotely. Today’s tools: 1) Work toward an even balance of advocacy (speaking up) and inquiry (listening). 2) If you’re the manager ask, “Is this a decision you want me to make or is this an informational update?” 3) Open meetings by asking, “How are you?” If you have a lot of people, remind people to imaging they are holding a lit match and must finish before it burns their fingers. View Senia’s bio at svchange.com/senia Watch the entire video series at mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 64: 3 Questions that Move People to Action – Senia Maymin

What questions can you ask yourself or someone else to move projects forward? How about these: 1) If you only have five minutes, what can you do on this project? 2) For this project, how can I move it forward by just 1%, just incrementally? 3) What’s the smallest step I can take for the biggest impact? View Senia’s bio at svchange.com/Senia Watch the entire webinar series at mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 65: Overwhelmed? Batch your work – Senia Maymin

Only 2% of people are good at multi-tasking. For the rest of us, switching between tasks can reduce productivity by up to 40%. To be more productive using this strategy: 1) Set up batch categories of work: categories where you can keep working without flip-flop costs. 2) Schedule blocks of time in which you focus on one category only. 3) Identify your most productive time of the day or week. Use it for your deepest, most creative work. View Senia’s bio at svchange.com/senia Watch all the videos in this series at mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 66: What’s Right in the Moment The Chess Story of Carlsen and Ding

Renaissance of chess: watching championships on TV. Reflecting on the Magnus Carlsen and Liren Ding chess match. Carlsen’s comments: 1) Every decent move makes a draw. 2) I have every respect for Ding as a chess player and a human being. 3) I wanted to win on the board. What is the right thing to do? What are you alert enough to decide in the moment? View Senia’s bio at svchange.com/Senia Watch the whole webinar series at mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 67: What’s the question you most want to be asked? – Senia Maymin

What is the first question that you tend to ask when reconnecting with someone? Research about questions: 1) Question behavior link — You can use this to prime yourself for action 2) Questions are the seed of change. Senia speculated: The question you ask is likely to be the question you want most to be asked. View Senia’s bio at svchange.com/Senia Find the whole series of videos at mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 68: Magical stories that help you achieve goals – Senia Maymin

How do magical stories lead to goal achievement? As I was growing up, I believe that I learned a lot about right and wrong through fairy tales. Today’s story: 7th day of the 7th month: Tanabata. Based on a Japanese fairy tale. * Make a wish that you can work on. (I want to become a …) * Write it and hang it on a tree. * If it doesn’t rain, your wish will come true. A whimsical way of thinking about the world. What wish could you make today? A flimsy framework that could make a difference. View Senia’s bio at svchange.com/Senia You can find the whole series at mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 69: Inspiration in These Times – Allison Holtzer

1) You can create inspiration for yourself, and you can sustain it over time. 2) Our company, InspireCorps, has designed a proven pathway to help companies create system that set people up for productive inspiration. We believe in Return on Inspiration! 3) Intentional inspiration practices: Some described in this talk, more in Allison’s book, Dare to Inspire at amzn.to/3gL5HO2 View Allison’s bio at inspirecorps.com/holzer/ Find the entire webinar series at mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 70: Tiredness with Senia

We are all tired. So what can we do about it? 1) Manage energy, not time. Look at all 4 types of energy: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual. Figure out some tweaks 2) Sports recovery: Plan for recovery as well as action time 3) Music is not music without pause between the notes: What are your pauses between the notes? View Senia’s bio at svchange/Senia Watch the whole series at mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 71: Don’t Resist Resistance – Senia Maymin

When someone disagrees with you, it’s not effective just to keep disagreeing. Three things you can do instead: 1) Breathe: separate from the situation 2) Return to center: learn to do it quickly 3) Listen and explore … “Imagine an amazing world where this could work?” Resistance is valuable. See more in Profit from the Positive : tinyurl.com/ProfitPositive View Senia’s bio at svchange.com/Senia View this series at mycoach.zone/WorkRemote

Episode 72: The How to Work with Me Document with Senia Maymin

How can you best get started in a new job, or move forward more smoothly in your existing job? Write your own personal user’s manual. I suggest covering: * What would be amazing! (your values, expectations, hopes, ideals) * How I operate and communicate * What would be lousy (pet peeves and ways I might annoy you). See Adam Bryant’s interview of Questback strategist, Ivar Kroghrud: tinyurl.com/KroghrudUserManual and Saric article about Claire Hughes Johnson: medium.com/swlh/user-manual-to-me-92c8ce68f960 View Senia’s bio at svchange.com/Senia For other webinars in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 73: Staying Mentally and Physically Healthy with The Body Full of Joy Team

The creators of the Body Full of Joy program discuss what they produced: 30 1-minute videos about ways to move more in our current restricted lives. The participants are experts in both positive psychology and movement. Each suggests little things you can do at home in small periods of time to experience joy in movement and stay alert and fit. Find the Body Full of Joy playlist here: mappalum.org/Body-Full-of-Joy View the entire series of webinars in this series at mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 74: Perspective Coaching with Senia Maymin and Mandy Sieja

Senia demonstrates Perspective Coaching with Mandy Sieja. Mandy’s current frustration is not having time to do the things she enjoys. Here are the steps to Perspective Coaching: * What’s something that frustrates you? * Why is it frustrating? * Give your current perspective a name. * Try on 3 or 4 other perspectives, just like changing a sweater. Give them names. Be playful! * Reflect on what you learned from changing perspective. Visit Senia’s bio at svchange.com/Senia View the rest of the webinars in this series at mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 75: Biggest Burning Questions in Business

What are the five questions that we do most of our coaching around? * How do I advance my career? * How do I get better as a manager? * How do I support my own personal well-being? That includes making a better fit between my job and me. * How do I increase my impact on the business? * How do I work better with other people? That might be working on remote teams, it might be contributing to racial equity. It might be supporting women’s leadership. Visit Senia’s bio at svchange.com/senia View the entire series of webinars at mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 76: Stories with Senia

* Telling a story, think about what’s the journey? What’s your vision? * Liven up the usual Beginning-Middle-End stories with contrast. That adds drama and interest. Example: Senia acting a little girl in a high school play: Art teacher’s advice: Put a big trash can behind her to make her look small by contrast. View Senia’s bio at svchange.com/Senia Watch the whole series of webinars at mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 77: You Are Already More Resilient than You Thought with Senia Maymin

The “Wow That’s Okay Plus One More” Framework *.Celebrate what you’ve already done: what you say to yourself matters. * Peace at 6 * What is one additional SMALL thing you can do to get even better? Think of it as a mini-add. Two resources: The Resilience Factor by Karen Reivich and Andrew Shatte: amzn.to/2D8ciDA Resilience: How to Navigate Life’s Curves: amzn.to/2CN9FHI Visit Senia’s bio at svchange.com/Senia View the entire series of webinars at mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 78: The Three Most Thought Provoking Questions with Senia Maymin

1. What is the one thing … e.g., that is most important for your business? for people to take away from this meeting? 2. What has surprised you the most? 3. The seesaw question where you switch directions. E.g., “What’s one area where things are going really well? Then where could things be even better?” Visit Senia’s bio at svchange.com/senia View the whole series of webinars at mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 79: Mindfulness, Part 1 with Senia Maymin

Three precursors to mindfulness: * Being rested * Being balanced * Being present Then video by Paul Barton at youtu.be/gwduHKyjdEE — We can be mindful in any way. View Senia’s bio at svchange.com/Senia Watch the entire webinar series from mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 80: How would someone feel if they sat next to you?

In a recent conversation, we talked about 4 types of energy (mental, physical, emotional, spiritual). But what does spiritual energy mean? * Moral energy: doing what’s right. * Work ethic * Your presence. How you affect those around you. How would you WANT someone to feel after sitting down beside you, before you open your mouth? Visit Senia’s bio at svchange.com/Senia The complete list of webinars in this series can be found at mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 81: Play with Sherri Fisher

What do I believe that others in my field may not? * We all deserve to be taught the way that we learn. * Creativity and play belong in everybody’s learning. * It’s crazy to believe that everybody the same age needs to learn the same things. * To quote Elizabeth Gilbert, “Be the weirdo who dares to enjoy.” Visit Sherri’s bio at svchange.com/Sherri View the entire webinar series at mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 82: Building Your Support Network with Brian Branagan and Giselle Timmerman

Takeaways: * We need to be intentional about curating our networks. * A network needs to be diverse but select. It doesn’t have to be big. * Your network is already around you. Pay attention to how you share and cultivate strengths with the people already in your network. Visit Giselle Timmerman’s bio at svchange.com/Giselle Visit Brian Branagan’s bio at svchange.com/Brian View the entire webinar series at mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 83: Habits with Senia Maymin

Habits make behavior change easier. Habits are a way of outsourcing problems out of the mind. Profit from the Positive – amzn.to/3mEPvSc Research studies about habit formation From Wendy Wood (Good Habits, Bad Habits – amzn.to/2FTukei ) * Different Context (5:33) * Default Option (7:30) From BJ Fogg (Tiny Habits – amzn.to/33NeolZ ) * Small actions (10:20) For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 84: How to transform your 2020 year in 2.5 minutes with Ilene Schaffer

Get a piece of paper. Fold it in thirds. Yay! at the top of the first column – Take 1 minute to list. Ugh at the top of the center column – Take 30 seconds to list. Game Changer! – Take 1 minute to list. Then… For an article based on this talk, see linkedin.com/pulse/how-transform-2020-25-minutes-ilene-schaffer-senia-maymin/ Visit Ilene’s bio at mycoach.zone/coach/Ilene For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 85: Vision’s 5 hats

Hat One: The ONE Thing (4:14) Hat Two: If anything were possible…. (5:40) Hat Three: 10-10-10 (6:56) Hat Four: What is your legacy? (8:32) Hat Five: Motto (9:39) Visit Senia’s bio at svchange.com/senia For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 86: Radiating head to toe confidence with Susan Bernstein

Belief: If you want a sensational life, pay attention to your sensations. Many go-getter women in corporate have confidence issues. What shifts work as women become more senior? * Paying attention to body signals: Be curious rather than try to make them go away. * Repertoire of breathing, eye gaze, posture ways to stay present. * Rumination and paying attention to bodily sensations can’t occur at the same time. We are not lollipops! Learn more about Dr. Susan Bernstein from www.linkedin.com/in/drsusanbernstein/ For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 87: Self Coaching with 4 Questions with Senia Maymin

Questions come from the Silicon Valley Change card deck, What if it were easy? *What do you most want to figure out today? (1:45) * What is the problem you want to solve? (2:13) * What could you do that could take you one step closer to your goal? (2:30) * If your life were unfolding exactly as it should, how would you think and act? (2:55) * What have you learned about yourself, your situation, and the action you can take? (3:22) For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 88: How to Talk with Your Manager with Senia Maymin

Three things that are important, two tools each: 1. Things about the manager: * What do you most need? (0:48) * What are our big rocks? (1:50) 2. Things about me and the manager: * Roles and goals (3:21) * High/low/trenches/needs (4:34) 3. Moving forward in my career (5:33) * Next steps (6:30) * Experiments I’m running (8:05) For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 89: How To Super Charge Your Walks with Ilene Shaffer

What do I believe that my colleagues may not? That we don’t need to meet in an office! I do most of my coaching while walking. * When you feel stuck or low energy, take your thoughts for a walk. * A study says: People are 2 times as creative if they’ve walked before a meeting. * Start with an intention, with a destination in mind. Walking is a 100% organic mood booster. View Ilene’s bio at mycoach.zone/coach/ilene For more videos in this series, see mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 90: Plan Your Career Like a Runway with Senia Maymin

Plan your career so that it is more like a runway than a rollercoaster: How do I do more of what I want to do and less of what I don’t want to do? Go beyond geography, industry, role. Each question is important now and in the future: * What? Tom Rath’s book: Life’s Great Question – amzn.to/35SnnFj * Whom? Whom would you like to work with? Lumpers or Slicers? * How? Remotely? In groups or by self? For more videos in this series, check out mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 91: Jumping into the River of Your Big Picture with Senia Maymin

Overview (0:00) How do you find the big picture of your next 3, 5, 10, or 20 years? * Time.. (2:40) Actual time and doing nothing time. * Space (4:33) * Idea Fairy (6:05) For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 92: Women in Leadership Panel with Kathryn Britton, Karen Warner, Brian Branagan

* Stories about successful ways to encourage women in leadership * Do women in leadership roles have different needs? * Recommendations for all leaders to nurture women’s leadership * Why does having women in leadership roles matter? For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 93: Personal Branding with Susan Chritton

The author of Personal Branding for Dummies ( amzn.to/3gCLdqu ) finished this exploration with the wish for the audience: * To not be afraid of showing who you really are. * To find a guide that can help you show your true talents For more webinars in this series, see mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 94: Four Pathways to Greater Confidence with Senia Maymin

Confidence can be built. There are four powerful ways to do that: * Achieving mastery (“I got it.”) * Seeing someone like you achieve mastery (“I see it.”) * Social persuasion (“I hear it.”) * Interpreting the signals from the body (“I feel it.”)

Episode 95: A 5-Step Process for Giving Calm Feedback with Sherri Fisher

Sherri Fisher demonstrates 5 steps 1) Thank you for … 2) I noticed… 3) I feel … 4) I want… 5) Will you please …

Episode 96: Run Superb All Hands with Senia Maymin

Techniques for running all-hands meetings from 6 to 1000 people Fun beginning Content-rich middle: Whom, Why, What, and How Unexpected ending Read about Senia at svchange.com/Senia For other videos in this series, visit mycoach.zon/WorkRemote

Episode 97: What Does *Organized* Really Mean? with Annmarie Brogan

Senia interviewed Annmarie Brogran, author of Beyond Tidy – amzn.to/33rrCov * True organization is mindset and behavior. * Are you set up in a way that supports the way you want to show up in the world? * There are different types of clutter: by type, by location, by reason. * Living an organized life frees us from stress and releases energy for other purposes. For more videos in this series, see mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 98: A Coaching Language for Managers with Joy Van Skiver

To get better managers, help them learn a coaching language. * “Next time…” leads to an automatic focus on the future. * “To [benefit], [direction].” Persuasion as well as instruction! * “I noticed…” Catch people in the act, and give in-the-moment coaching. * Afterwards reflect: “What did I say? Was it effective? Could it have been better?” Read more about Joy at www.linkedin.com/in/joyvanskiver/ To read the LinkedIn article based on this video, visit www.linkedin.com/pulse/coaching-language-managers-joy-van-skiver-senia-maymin For more videos in this series, check out the Tools menu at mycoach.zone

Episode 99: The Magic of Habits, Routines, and Rituals in Uncertain Times with Sharon Danzger

Routines, habits, and rituals help us to create a sense of control. Use routines to delineate when you’re at work and when you’re at home. * Habits happen automatically. * Routines take self control, but can become habits. * Rituals are routines that have meaning beyond what you’re doing, often spiritual. Start small. Link new routines to something you are already doing. To read the LinkedIn article based on this video, visit www.linkedin.com/pulse/magic-habits-routines-rituals-sharon-dantzger-senia-maymin/ For more videos in the series, check out the Tools menu at mycoach.zone

Episode 100: The Not Prickly, Not Rotten Way to Network with Nancy Ancowitz

Episode 100! Nancy suggests a little bit of work on networking every day using the 4 I’s to pick actions: * Information: What information can I share? * Introduction: Who can I introduce to whom? * Insights: Helping people process their own concerns * Invitations: Who can I invite to talk? Nancy’s book, Self-Promotion for Introverts is here: amzn.to/3kBMi3U For the LinkedIn article based on this video, visit www.linkedin.com/pulse/prickly-rotten-way-network-nancy-ancowitz-senia-maymin For more videos in this series, check out the Tools menu at mycoach.zone

Episode 101: Team Strengths! with Senia Maymin

Map your own strengths and those of your teammates. Talk about using the full range. * Executing: Getting things done * Influencing * Relationship Building * Strategic Thinking See the exercise on p. 179-180 in Profit from the Positive – amzn.to/3mEPvSc For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 102: Three Tools for Difficult Conversations with Senia Maymin

Three tools for difficult conversations in a collaborative way: * Implemental rather than deliberative mindset (1:24) * Values (7:01) * “No.” (8:55) For the LinkedIn article based on this video, see www.linkedin.com/pulse/three-tools-difficult-conversations-senia-maymin For more videos in this series, see the tools menu at mycoach.zone

Episode 103: How could you be wrong? with Senia Maymin

How to ask more effective questions, testing our own conclusions. Orange cards in the “What if it were easy?” deck created by Silicon Valley Change coaches – What is the problem you want to solve? (2:35) – How might you look at this differently? (2:55) – What would your knee jerk reaction be? (3:30) – How could you be wrong? (4:27) – What are you avoiding? (5:32) These are all ways of looking at a problem from a different angle. This deck of cards can be ordered from Silicon Valley Change. For more videos in this series, see mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 104: Growing by Connecting with Others! with Katherina Capra

* You grow best personally when you connect with others. (0:35) * Businesses need more than performance skills. They need human skills. * The best connection is with the heart: we really want the best for the other. * Learn to know yourself. What you love to do and why. * Be open, curious, creative, non-judgmental

Episode 105: 5-Minute Selling according to Alex Goldfayn

Alex Goldfayn just launched his new book, 5-Minute Selling – amzn.to/35aPT4Q Intro (00:00) Alex’s counter-intuitive belief (01:07) Making a Believer (02:50) Doing the Book: 1) Did-you-know question (13:31) 2) Reverse did-you-know question (13:48) 3) How do you ask for a referral (14:25) 4) The percentage of business question (16:04) 5) Handwritten notes (17:40) 6) What about voicemail? (19:58) For the LinkedIn article based on this video, visit www.linkedin.com/pulse/5-minute-selling-alex-goldfayn-senia-maymin/ For more of these webinars, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 106: About YOU with Senia Maymin

What if you were to use the sentence today, “I was thinking about you, and.” What might that look like? It could be, “I was thinking about you, and I texted.” “I was thinking about you, and I’m leaving you this message.” “I was thinking about you, wanting to catch up.” View Senia’s bio at svchange.com/Senia Watch other videos in this series at mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 107: “Me-You-We Listening” with Senia Maymin

“Me listening”: You talk, I think about my similar experience “You listening”: I’m entirely focused on you. “We listening”: “You listening” + my awareness of how we relate to each other For an article based on this video, visit www.linkedin.com/pulse/me-you-we-listening-senia-maymin-senia-maymin/?trackingId=HUdHb5lKeYPgVJmVL6rvkA%3D%3D Watch more videos in this series at mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 108: “Returning to Center” with Senia Maymin

“Sensei, how is it that you are so centered? We look at you and you are so calm. You are so here. You’re so present. You’re so centered.” The sensei replied, “It’s not that I’m always centered. It’s just that I return to center more quickly.” View Senia’s bio at svchange.com/Senia Watch other videos in this series at mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 109: “What Is Your Coaching Superpower?” with Senia Maymin

I believe that moving forward starts with questions. One powerful question is “What is your coaching [business, leadership, parenting] superpower?'” This question can focus you now and keep reverberating in your head. View Senia’s bio at svchange.com/Senia Watch other videos in this series at mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 110: “I am a commitment to…” with Senia Maymin

“I am a commitment to” implies embodying a value. Article by Richard Strozzi: strozziinstitute.com/you-are-what-you-practice/ You are always practicing… something. Senia’s story (3:36) For an article based on this video, visit www.linkedin.com/pulse/i-am-commitment-senia-maymin-senia-maymin For other videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 111: “What if…?” with Senia Maymin

Three benefits of “what if” thinking: * Identity (3:17) * Play (5:06) * Creativity (5:26) Use “what if?” to try on new identities. What if I were a superhero? a productivity expert? the best sales person in the world? For an article based on this video, see www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-senia-maymin-senia-maymin/ For other videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 112: How Can Embodiment Help You? with LeeAnn Mallorie

LeeAnn’s belief: * The information that your body has to offer is equally, if not more, important than your thoughts. * When you get the body involved, it’s easier to pivot, add to your toolbox, or open up to new ways of being. * When you’re not getting the results you want, pay attention to patterns. * To work towards coherency, the key ingredient is almost always curiosity. Learn more about LeeAnn: www.linkedin.com/in/leeannmallorie/ For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 113: Clarity over Niceness with Senia Maymin

It’s possible to be too nice. (0.0) Balance the values of clarity and niceness (1:45) * Check in with yourself. (4:48) * Speak clearly. (5:32) * Check that your message was understood (6:44) For an article based on this video, see www.linkedin.com/pulse/prioritizing-clarity-over-niceness-senia-maymin-senia-maymin/ For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 114: The 5 Mistakes You Might Be Making in Video Meetings with Nancy Ancowitz

Introduction (0:00) 1) Losing Your Head (2:08) 2) Trying to be a human Swiss army knife (6:24) 3) You’re not ready for your close-up (9:22) 4) Sound: Practice with a face mask! (13:08) 5) Being a (boring) talking head. (15:20) Learn more about Nancy here: www.linkedin.com/in/nancyancowitz/ Visit Senia’s bio at svchange.com/senia For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 115: Using the SCARF Model to Be a Better Leader with Kelly Beischel

Introduction (0:0) Kelly explains how leaders can use the SCARF model to help their people minimize threat and maximize reward. S = Status (3:32) C = Certainty (6:38) A = Autonomy (10:10) R = Relatedness (12:54) F = Fairness (17:38) Visit Kelly’s bio at mycoach.zone/coaches/kelly/ Other videos in this series can be found at mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 116: Bringing the Humanness Back into Feedback with Kelly Beischel

Intro: (0:00) Believe Series Question: (0:37) * Begin with compassion, even when someone royally messes up. * In a royal messup, there are often two victims (2:36) * Address it right away (4:00) * Conduct a root cause analysis – 5 whys (5:15) * Involve the team in problem-solving (7:13) Further questions: (11:25) For an article based on this video, visit www.linkedin.com/pulse/bringing-humanness-back-feedback-kelly-beischel-senia-maymin View Kelly’s bio at mycoach.zone/coaches/kelly/

Episode 117: Three Quick Ideas to Spur Us into Action with Senia Maymin

Audience Questions (0:00) 1. Springboard action (6:10) 2. Start 3 habits together (8:12) 3. Someone who has inspired you (9:30) Learn more about Senia at svchange.com/Senia View more videos in this series at mycoach.zone/workremote BJ Fogg’s book, Tiny Habits – amzn.to/3kom98T

Episode 118: Off the Beaten Time with Senia Maymin

How can you use time more creatively, be “off the beaten time”? Examples… * Cook dinner after dinner. * Reserve 90 minutes every day at YOUR prime time for strategic work. * During the pandemic, use staying at home to do things at unusual times. When do you want to do your most strategic, creative work? For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 119: Deep Discussion Groups with Senia Maymin

Introduction (0:0) What is a deep discussion group? (1:48) Three ways to pick themes 1) Rotate a question around (5:00) 2) Send out quotes and ask for response (5:42) 3) “What’s on your mind?” (6:25) How to set it up? (6:36) “I never realized how much this was missing in my life.” For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 120: Stop-Start-Continue Model with Senia Maymin

To move in a new direction: * Continue something already doing well: (3:40) * Start something new (4:18) * Stop something (5:12) Senia’s personal continue-stop-start (8:07) For an article based on this broadcast, see www.linkedin.com/pulse/stop-start-continue-model-senia-maymin-senia-maymin For more videos in this series, check out mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 121: Go Slow to Speed Up with Kelly Beischel

* Use mindfulness to slow our brains and bodies so we can do our best work. * Set up cues to practice awareness of where you are, what you are feeling. * Breath work increases the ability to focus. * Loving kindness towards ourselves leads to loving kindness toward others. * Remember the words, “Just like me… ” when you find yourself judging others. For more about Kelly, visit mycoach.zone/coach/Kelly Other videos in this series can be found at mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 122: What Can You Walk Away From? with Senia Maymin

What are the signs that you need to walk away? * What are you still tolerating? * What leaves you exhausted? * What is overtaking your thoughts? How? Choose between… * Pull the bandaid off * More gradually.. For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 123: Readiness for Racial Equity Work with Venessa Perry

How can people in teams get ready for racial equity work * What are people getting wrong? (1:24) * How do companies do this right? (7:55) * What does a really effective process look like? (9:27) * What is one action you can recommend to individuals? (16:35) * Who is an example of this being approached well? (18:17) * What impact does the CEO have on this process? (20:42) Visit Venessa Perry’s bio at mycoach.zone/coach/Venessa For an article based on this discussion, see www.linkedin.com/pulse/readiness-racial-equity-work-dr-venessa-perry-senia-maymin/ For more videos in this series, see mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 124: Do you want to be a Chess Queen or Knight? with Senia Maymin

A queen can move many different ways. A knight has only one type of move. Sometimes it may be the right thing to focus on just one type of move. For more videos in this series, see mycoach.zone/

Episode 125: The 123 Approach to Managing Your Resources! with Ilene Schaffer

Ilene’s 1-2-3 approach: 1. You have one you: Take care of yourself. You don’t get an upgrade. 2. You have two lenses: Replenish and Drain. 3. You have three areas to replenish: yourself, your thoughts, and your relationships. Some specific tips for self-replenishment are included. For more about Ilene, visit mycoach.zone/coach/Ilene For more videos in this series, go to mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 126: Get Rid of the Rules for Meditation with Kelly Beischel

If people have to ask, “Is it okay if I…” then there are too many rules. * You could be anywhere (in bed, on a subway). * Notice and let go of thoughts as they arise. * Pair meditation with other activities (e.g., brushing teeth) Tuning in to our bodies in the present moment is like heaven for our brains. Find Kelly’s bio at mycoach.zone/coach/kelly For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 127: Use Storytelling to Catalyze Growth with Lisa Zigarmi and Davia Larson

This is in the I Believe series. Here’s what Lisa and Davia believe that their peers might not: * Lisa: Sharing personal stories at work is a way to reach Post Traumatic Growth in this difficult time. * Davia: Unless we acknowledge trauma, businesses won’t get to integration and new growth. * It’s important to establish psychological safety to make space for stories. For more about Lisa Zigarmi, see https:svccoach.com/Lisa For more about Davia Larson, see www.linkedin.com/in/davialarson/

Episode 128: Eyes with Senia Maymin

Take care of your eyes! Three ways to protect them: * Look away from your screen – 20-20-20 * Use technology * Palm your eyes For an article based on this talk, see www.linkedin.com/pulse/best-thing-you-can-do-yourself-right-now-protect-your-senia-maymin/ For more videos in this series, see mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 129: Why Prioritizing Inner Peace is Not Selfish with Yashi Srivastava

This is part of the I Believe series. Yashi believes that … * One needs to pay attention to the relationship with oneself as well as those with others. * Self-compassion is an important emotional skill. This video includes practices for showing love and increasing kindness toward oneself. For more about Yashi Srivastava, visit yashisrivastava.com

Episode 130: How to Make 360 Feedback Incredibly Palatable with Senia Maymin

To start out, do it slowly with lots of context. * Talk about having a growth mindset. * Invite the receiver to just be aware of the feedback they’re hearing, without judging. * Help them find a mirror person to reflect back their behavior in future situations. For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone

Episode 131: Guts and Grace Women’s Full-bodied Leadership with LeeAnn Mallorie

* The information we get from our bodies is the doorway to more senior levels of leadership. * This is better than basing what we do on what we see other people doing. * Women in leadership are invited, encouraged, maybe required not to be ourselves. * Instead, how can we have access to both guts and grace in a leadership role? LeeAnn’s book is Guts and Grace: A Woman’s Guide to Full-Bodied Leadership – amzn.to/3iKYoXb For more about LeeAnn, visit www.gutsandgrace.com/ For more videos in this series, mycoach.zone

Episode 132: Accountability with Ilene Schaffer

How do we hold ourselves accountable for things that are important, but not urgent? Ilene describes 3 approaches that all can work: * Be accountable to yourself. * Be accountable to a partner. * Be accountable to a group. To learn more about Ilene, visit mycoach.zone/Ilene

Episode 133: Owning Up to Our Well-being with Sandeep Kulshrestha

This is part of the I Believe show. Sandeep believes that… * Well-being is more important than anything else in life or work. * In coaching, it’s more important than performance. * Savoring, personalized gratitude, well-being of others * Perhaps we should have a well-being dashboard at work? For more about Sandeep, visit svchange.com/Sandeep

Episode 134: Questions Coaches Ask Themselves with Ilene Schaffer, Alex Jack, and Kelly Beischel

Here are just a few of the questions these coaches ask themselves: * How do I want to show up? * How many tomorrows are you going to put in before you get to today? * What lens do I want to look through? * What’s one tiny-turtle step I could take right now? For the article based on this video, see www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-questions-do-our-coaches-ask-themselves-senia-maymin

Episode 135: Begin. Ritual. Calendaring the Three Ritual Times of the Day

For beginning rituals, make 3 super-short appointments with yourself every week day. Call them something fun. * Morning (10 minutes) * Mid-day (5 minutes, Am I on track?), * Evening (end of work, end of full day – 10 minutes) Use these times to think about what’s important to you right now. This is #1 of the Cello Series of Business and Life Coaching

Episode 136: Begin. Environment (Sparseness and Big Rocks)

Set up your environment for change. Sparseness. Clear away clutter. What do I want to take away? Two frameworks for setting up environments: * Stop-Start-Continue (Stop in see www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPjKrQBDfek&list=PLXY813hnUnJyUch0KsNBKLAZVxVS61BVF&index=1 * Big Rocks – www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-talk-your-manager-senia-maymin/ Series #2 in the Cello Series of Work and Life

Episode 137: Find Your Own Way with Kathryn Britton

What does Kathryn believe that coaches might not agree with? * It’s not absolutely necessary to have big goals to be successful. * Some people live by being open to opportunities rather than by having long term goals. * Know yourself. If setting goals works for you, go for it. * But if not, know that you can make a strong contribution following your nose. View Kathryn’s bio at svchange.com/Kathryn Watch other videos in this series at mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 138: Begin. Music of Your Life

Now that we’ve talked about sparsity in the previous session, what do you want to add back in? * Suzuki method: Like learning a new language. Listen to music. * What is the music in your life, your house? How does it reflect your feelings? * What do you want to add? Creativity? Excitement? Calm? Energizing? #3 in the Cello series of business and life coaching.

Episode 139: Ritual. What am I learning? with Senia Maymin

When you are trying something new, it’s great to a mantra in your head. Mine is “What am I learning?” *That question cements what you learned into your head. * Makes the learning points easier to recall. * Learning goals make you more at peace with things that are hard. This is #4 in the Cello Series, exploring a theme with cello learning, in business, and in exercise.

Episode 140: Self-awarerness with Yashi Srivastava

What does Yashi believe that others in her field (coaching) may not believe? Self-awareness * is very important, but relying on introspection is not enough. * has both an individual level and a universal level. How do people in general function? * is both internal and external. Not just how we see ourselves, how do others see us? For more about Yashi, visit www.yashisrivastava.net/about-yashi/ For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone For the article based on this video, see www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-know-thyself-yashi-srivastava-senia-maymin/

Episode 141: Subtracting Words with Senia Maymin

This week in the Cello Series, we’re talking about words that we say to ourselves. * Subtracting = making space for something else. * Make a mistake? Replace calling yourself names like “Stupid!” * with “Silly!” or “How marvelous! What can I learn from this?” Cello series #5

Episode 142: TOP 5: A Roadmap to Clarity and Consistency with Joe Sullivan

Joe Sullivan talks about the 5 value statements that guide him daily: 1. It’s not about you. 2. Participate and be present in everything you do. 3. Listen. 4. Make your own decisions and then be prepared to defend them. 5. Be more than you show. Read about Joe’s Top 5 at ljsullivan.com/joes-guiding-principles/ For an article based on this video, see www.linkedin.com/pulse/defining-pursuing-success-joe-sullivan-senia-maymin For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 143: Adding Words with Senia Maymin

This week in the Cello Series, we’re talking about the words that we say to ourselves. Words to add to our internal vocabulary as we learn something new: * Yet… (Carol Dweck’s Mindset) * Not bad for a … (George Vaillant Grant study) * Journey (“I’m a work in progress…” * Minimal goals (Something you can hit every single day) Cello Series #6

Episode 144: Ritual: The First Pancake

* Today is about the first pancake (which tends to be not so good) or the 6th coaching session (which often feels a bit flat) or the 6th cello lesson (which sounds squeaky). * Knowing this will come, we can plan for it. Cello Series #7

Episode 145: Is that all there is? Effortful vs Effortless

* Sometimes moving toward meaning is effortless and feels natural — the beginner’s mind. * Sometimes it requires great effort. * Be open to both aspects of moving forward.

Episode 146: How do you create leeway for yourself? with Senia Maymin

Where do you want to give yourself leeway? Why might you want to give yourself leeway? Nothing time is actually something time. Practice self-compassion, a blend of mindfulness, kindness, and humanity. Check out Kristin Neff’s work on self-compassion at self-compassion.org For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 147: Strategic OVERcommunication

Make sure your audience hears the message. Four ways to do it: 1) Ask questions. 2) Say things in a funny way or use an analogy. 3) Be consistent. Repeat the same message multiple times. 4) Have the other person summarize. For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 148: Psychological Water About to Boil with Senia Maymin

Three suggestions: 1. Have a checklist to prevent the water getting hot 2. Notice what you notice, and perhaps sportscast 3. Give yourself more time, so that feeling rushed doesn’t make the water even hotter. For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 149: “Hurry Up and Wait” with Senia Maymin

Use WAIT as an acronym: * W is for Walk, look around, observe * A is for Aimlessly think. Daydream! * I is for Important: Look at your priorities. * T is for Tie your shoes. Regroup. Self-care. For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 150: Your Future Culture with Miao Cao

What do you want your culture to be in the future and how do you get there as a senior leader? 1. First get embedded in the current culture, particularly if you come in from outside. 2. Don’t run racecar until the road is ready: build trust. 3. Take risks to show strengths. Three tools: 1. Blameless discernment 2. Empathy – put yourself in other people’s shoes and see their impact 3. Explore differences. Listen. Win the right to be listened to. Work with your colleagues: show trust, respect, love to start the ball rolling For more about Miao Cao, visit www.linkedin.com/in/miaocao/ For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone

Episode 151: Hello, Habits, My Old Friend with Senia Maymin

Habits are a way to outsource things you need to get done. Four ways to invite habits back into your life. 1) I do this because it’s easy – Tiny Habits 2) I do this because I paired with something I already do – Stacking Habits 3) I do this because I care about the result – Big Why 4) I do this because this is ME – Identity For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 152: Buffers with Senia Maymin

Three quick buffers to create a soft space between one thing and another 1) Time buffers — odd time, off-hour meetings 2) “Not Yet” to arising demands 3) Clarity with Kindness For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 153: Naming Emotions with Senia Maymin

The ability to name our emotions is a key leadership skill. * Why is this so critical? (0:35) * We are often not aware of our emotions. * We often give them really boring names that numb the emotion. Just mad, sad, glad, scared, stressed. * See Susan David’s article: 3 Ways to Better Understand Your Emotions – hbr.org/2016/11/3-ways-to-better-understand-your-emotions * To explore emotions, listen Julie Sevilla Fraysse cello pieces and see what comes up: www.linkedin.com/in/julie-s%C3%A9villa-fraysse-982aa856/detail/featured-list/urn:li:fsd_profile:ACoAAAvofXIBIQyKdgX84EV7_x-FvFWUbcv06Kk/ For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone

Episode 154: Between Now and Year End with Senia Maymin

Three tools to help you be your best self between now and year end: 1) What if? Imagining that you are already the person you want to be. 2) Game changer (Ilene Schaffer) — www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-transform-2020-25-minutes-ilene-schaffer-senia-maymin/ 3) Feedforward (Marshal Goldsmith) — www.marshallgoldsmith.com/articles/1438/ For more videos in this series, see mycoach.zone

Episode 155: Giving each other slack

* When you get triggered, ask yourself, “What might be going on with that person?” * Watch the Cleveland clinic on empathy: youtu.be/cDDWvj_q-o8 * We can imagine another perspective. Could that person have had a terrible morning? * Curiosity makes you open to what’s important to them. * Performer Rob: “Call your dad.” For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone

Episode 156: The one question to ask in a JUMBLED day

What single question could help you see a path through the jumble?

Episode 157 Procrastination Aikido with Kathryn Britton

It is possible to use differences in motivation to unlock energy for difficult tasks. * Called “Procrastination Aikido” because it involves redirecting energy deliberately. * If you find yourself stalling on a task, think of something you want to do even less. For more in the work remote series, visit mycoach.zone

Episode 158: The Process AND Doing it Your Way with Senia Maymin

People ask: * This is who I am. * But people want me to be a leader like someone else. * Can I do it MY way? Of course! This is in both the cello series and the work remotely series. For more videos in the work from home series, visit mycoach.zone

Episode 159: Incremental Improvement with Senia Maymin

Research Senia did on incremental improvement versus taking big steps * Group 1 worked on job search 15 minutes per day * Group 2 worked on job search for 3 hours at a time Group 1 got more done and better results. Start small and build your base. This episode is part of the cello series and the work remotely series. For more in the work remotely series, see mycoach.zone

Episode 160: Big Picture Work with Ilene Schaffer

How do I focus on the big picture when there are so many things that need to be done? * Consider pitfalls. * Ask questions: Who can help? What? Why (the magnet)? When (is your energy the best)? Where? For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone

Episode 161: Big Mistakes vs Small Mistakes with Senia Maymin

* Big mistakes can get you in trouble down the road. * Little mistakes have a small impact. Examples: * Big mistake at work: establishing a culture of fear * Small mistake: Make a decision, get new information, and change decision. This is part of the cello series, as well as the work remote series. For more videos in the work remote series, visit mycoach.zone

Episode 162: How can you train your goal like you’d train a dog?

The flamenco video: youtu.be/nbMDH3-lBqM?t=692 The Jennifer Lopez flamenco video: youtu.be/goBc-Uq2FAk?t=490 * We make more progress if we act as if we were performing rather than just practicing. * Somebody is always getting trained. Is it you or your dog? For more videos in this sequence, see mycoach.zone For the LinkedIn article, see www.linkedin.com/pulse/10000-negotiations-sean-doyle-senia-maymin

Episode 163: One Question for Negotiating

Based on the book by Chris Voss, Never Split the Difference. amzn.to/3mLhW0n “How am I supposed to do that?” Leads to a mindset shift. For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone

Episode 164: The “Oh Cool! Oh No! Effect with Senia Maymin

Idea from Creating Passionate Users at headrush.typepad.com/ * Your brain only remembers from these two places: Approaching (Oh cool!) or Avoiding (Oh no!) * Courage and fear are associated with the same place in the brain * Motivation can come from either “Oh cool!” or “Oh no!” experiences. This is in the cello series.

Episode 165: Finding Your “Cubism” in your Career Journey with Pete Hartigan

What do you believe that others in your field (business) might not believe? Pete believes that the purpose of business is to help the community and maximize profit. * Think of Uber as an anti-racist device, with its relational features. * Scaling up tended to disconnect from the behavioral norms of small towns. * Each of us is as original as a Picasso cubist picture. * Discusses three comparables: Picasso, Jobs, himself. What is your original style? For more about Pete, visit www.linkedin.com/in/peteh1/

Episode 166: Three Powerful Question to Boost Year-end Motivation with Ilene Schaffer

Many managers are seeing low motivation in themselves and the team as this strange year ends. * What can I (we) do now? (05:10) * How can we mix it up? (07:40) * How can we connect with others to spice it up? (09:50) To learn more about Ilene Schaffer, visit mycoach.zone/Ilene To view more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone

Episode 167: Feedback Can’t Be Fixed with Sheila Heen

What do you believe that others in your field don’t agree with? * At its core, there are ways that feedback just can’t be fixed. * HR swings between “the system is broken,” and “people are broken.” * Receiving feedback sits at the intersection of conflicting needs: wanting to grow, but it’s still a struggle. * Be transparent about the struggle. * Provide appreciation. * Focus on the challenge of receiving. For more about Sheila Heen, visit www.linkedin.com/in/sheila-heen-b8a59a6/ For more videos in this series, visit mycoach.zone

Episode 168: Your Four Go-To Questions as a Manager

What do you do when you feel stuck figuring out how do you help others quickly? * What’s on your mind? * What’s already working well? * What support do you need? * What do you see for the future? Part of the cello series.

Episode 169: Your Fun Non-Negotiables with Senia Maymin

In addition to work, health, and connection non-negotiables, include some fun non-negotiables. Preserve the verve in your life! * Fun non-negotiables for home * Fun non-negotiables for life * Scenario planning — Use design thinking to imagine different approaches to life. For more videos in this series, check out mycoach.zone

Episode 170: Eventually Heavy Lifting with Senia Maymin

* Many of the tools in this series involve taking small incremental steps. * But eventually, strenuous effort and repetition are required to make progress. * Set minimal goals with triggers to set habits. * Heavy lifting may mean repetition. It may also doing things that are hard. Part of the cello series.

Episode 171: Science and Faith Can Go Together with Valorie Burton

What Valorie Burton believes that her peers might not believe: * If you are a person of faith, it is not necessary to hide it to be successful. * Combining science and faith means speaking authentically, in a way that is welcoming. * My mission: Inspiring others to live more fulfilling lives. * Science has validated my faith and supports practical inspiration. For more about Valorie, visit valorieburton.com/

Episode 172: End of year happiness with Senia Maymin

Three things to put in place to be ready for the new year: 1. How can you leave everything behind? 2. How can you be fully present? 3. How can you do new things?

Episode 173: What Is Your Bone Truth? with Marcy Porus-Gottlieb

Marcy’s belief that others may not agree with? * Instead of focusing first on what to fix or change, park that. * Then ask, “Who can you not not be?” Who are you uniquely? * That bone truth can help them deal with the presenting question. For more about Marcy, visit www.marcypgconsulting.com/

Episode 174: If the student hasn’t learned, the teacher hasn’t taught with Sherri Fisher

What Sherri believes that her peers may not believe is in the title. This is not a teacher slam. But teacher can identify the missing ingredient: * Skills * Rules of learning * Purpose of learning Grades are only a sign of performance, not a sign of learning. For more about Sherri, visit sherrifisher.com/

Episode 175: The Replaceable Founder with Ari Meisel

What Ari believes that other people in his field might not… To be the replaceable founder, not irreplaceable at all. * Get away from having “what you do” be ingrained in your ego * The person who starts something eventually becomes what stops it from growing. * What would you do if you could only work an hour a day? * Innovation comes from more restrictions. For more about Ari Meisel, visit lessdoing.com/

Episode 176: The Big Bounce, NOT the Big Bang with Surjeet Rajendran

What Surjeet believes that others in his field (particle physics) may not believe: * Disagrees about what happened before the Big Bang. * Big Crunch (getting smaller and smaller), and then Bounce, getting (bigger and bigger) * Theories work only up to a point. For more about Surjeet Rajendran, visit physics-astronomy.jhu.edu/2020/05/18/surjeet-rajendran-receives-two-gordon-and-betty-moore-foundation-fundamental-physics-innovation-awards/ For the LinkedIn article based on this video, visit www.linkedin.com/posts/seniamaymin_bigbangtheory-bigbouncetheory-particlephysics-activity-6769818364333445120-n9aq Check out the Tools menu at mycoach.zone

Episode 177: Wellbeing as the Foundation of Leadership with Jamie Shapiro

Episode 178: Intuition is trainable with Nil Demircubuk

This is an episode in the I Believe Show. Nil Demircubuk believes: * Intuition is something we all have, and it’s trainable. * People can learn to use it more and use it on demand. * She practices in an aware and alert manner. For more about Nil Demircubuk, visit www.linkedin.com/in/nil-demircubuk-484119202/ For the LinkedIn article based on this video, visit www.linkedin.com/pulse/intuition-trainable-nil-demircubuk-senia-maymin

Episode 179: 10,000 Negotiations with Sean Doyle

This is an episode in the I Believe show. Sean Doyle is a lawyer who figures he has conducted more than 10,000 negotiations. He believes: * Most conflicts can be resolved even when there seem to be insurmountable issues. * Resolution comes from asking questions in the interest of understanding the other party. * There is typically a common ground where both parties get what they want. Sean is also a poet and author of Mud and Dreams: amzn.to/35MHaVS For the LinkedIn article, see www.linkedin.com/pulse/10000-negotiations-sean-doyle-senia-maymin

Episode 180: Moving Towards More Community with Lisa Sansom

This is an episode in the I Believe Show. * Lisa believes that living in single-family, detached homes is vastly overrated. * We need social connections to the people around us. * We each need at least one person outside our own houses to be a trusted friend and helper. For more about Lisa Sansom, visit www.lvsconsulting.com/ For the LinkedIn article, view www.linkedin.com/pulse/moving-towards-more-community-lisa-sansom-senia-maymin

Episode 181: Strive for Fulfillment Over Balance with Ilene Schaffer

This an episode in the I Believe series. Ilene believes that reaching for fulfillment is a better goal than reaching for work-life balance. Watch to see her explanation of the way she came to this conclusion. For more about Ilene, check out mycoach.zone/Ilene For an article based on this video, see www.linkedin.com/pulse/striving-fulfillment-balance-ilene-schaffer-senia-maymin

Episode 182: Imposter Syndrome with MyCoach Coaches

In this video, four coaches walk the viewers through 11 tips for dealing with imposter syndrome. They also explain that imposter syndrome never completely goes away in a career that keeps progressing. To learn more about the speakers, visit Alex Jack at mycoach.zone/Alex Kelly Beischel at mycoach.zone/Kelly Ilene Schaffer at mycoach.zon/Ilene

Episode 183: Learning to LEAD, Leading to LEARN with Katie Anderson

Katie Anderson’s book is a collaboration with Mr. Yoshino of Toyota concerning the Toyota motto: “We develop people so that we can make cars.” LinkedIn Article: www.linkedin.com/pulse/learning-lead-leading-learn-katie-anderson-senia-maymin

Episode 184: INTRODUCING the MyCoach Tools with Senia Maymin and Kathryn Britton

Senia introduced the new guide to MyCoach tools. See the tools menu at mycoach.zone/ Then she and Kathryn Britton discussed how the guide works and why. The guide can help people find their way to specific topics associated with the following major coaching topics and more: * Advance My Career – mycoach.zone/advance-career/ * Phenomenal Manager – mycoach.zone/become-a-phenomenal-manager/ * Be My Best – mycoach.zone/be-my-best/ * Business Impact: mycoach.zone/increase-business-impact/ LinkedIn article: www.linkedin.com/pulse/introducing-mycoach-tools-senia-maymin

Episode 185: The Hardest Part with Senia Maymin

Episode186: Empathetic Leaders Finish First with Abigail Charpentier

This is an episode of the I Believe Show. * Abigail believes that empathy is incredibly important to humanity, especially in leaders. * Unlocking empathy is an often untapped leadership skill. * It can be critical to a leader’s success and the team’s success. To read about Abigail, visit www.linkedin.com/in/abigail-charpentier-b312a81/ For the LinkedIn article based on this video, visit www.linkedin.com/pulse/empathetic-leaders-finish-first-abigail-charpentier-senia-maymin More videos in this series can be found on the tools menu of mycoach.zone

Episode 187: The Whole Boss with Katherina Capra

Katherina Capra believes it is possible both to be respected as a leader and to show compassion towards others. Skills involved in being a whole boss include: * Paying attention to the needs of people * Focus beyond goals and outcomes on connecting with people In her experience, being a whole boss can take performance from good to great. To learn more about Katharina, visit katherinacapracoaching.com/en/ To read the LinkedIn article based on this video, visit www.linkedin.com/pulse/whole-boss-katherina-capra-senia-maymin To find similar videos, check out the tools menu at mycoach.zone

Episode 188: 5 Minutes Can Make a Difference with Ned Kraft

This is an episode of the Believe Show. Ned believes * Kimochis (plush characters with different personalities) help students understand emotions. * Teachers can get a great deal done in just 5 minutes a day using Kimochis figures and curricula. * 5 minutes a day can make a big difference in other arenas of life. For the Kimochis program for schools, visit www.kimochis.com/2020teachers/ For the LinkedIn article based on this interview, see www.linkedin.com/pulse/five-minutes-can-make-difference-ned-kraft-senia-maymin-1c/

Episode 189: You CAN Get a Job through Online Applications with Mary McCoy

To get a job by applying online, there are some tricks of the trade: * Format your resume so that robots find important content * Use the content of important parts of the resume and LinkedIn profile well. * Apply, Apply, Apply (and why) For the article based on this video see www.linkedin.com/pulse/yes-you-can-get-job-applying-online-four-key-steps-mary-senia-maymin/

Episode 190: What is Interoception and How Does it Help Me? with Heather Petruzelli

This is part of the Believe Show. Heather believes life is not just thinking our way out of problems. We can develop awareness of our bodies to be more connected to our deeper selves. For more about Heather Petruzelli, visit heatherpetruzelli.com/ To read the LinkedIn article based on this video, visit www.linkedin.com/posts/seniamaymin_interoception-listeningtothebody-bodyawareness-activity-6770105500790067202-8kEi For more videos like this, visit the Tools menu at mycoach.zone/

Episode 191: OKRs: How to Set Effective Key Results with Ben Lamorte

OKRs are a goal-setting framework. Objectives are qualitative; Key Results are quantitative. This is part of the Believe Series. Ben believes that people need to have multiple level KRs. These lead to productive discussions. * Commit: If not achieved, something has gone very wrong. * Aspirational: What would be absolutely amazing. * Target: Something in between that has a 50-50 chance of happening. To visit Ben’s website, go to okrs.com For the LinkedIn article based on this video, visit www.linkedin.com/pulse/objectives-key-results-commit-target-stretch-ben-lamorte-senia-maymin

Episode 192: Why Interrupting Yourself is Essential with Rebecca Arora

Episode 193: The Unreasonable Reasons Behind Clutter! with Annmarie Brogan

Episode 194: The 10% New Challenge

What can we do when days start seeming routine? When we can’t tell Tuesdays from Saturdays? Senia describes the 10% new challenge as a way to gain more clarity and zest around our purpose. To read the LinkedIn article based on this video, visit www.linkedin.com/pulse/10-new-challenge-senia-maymin/ To find more videos like this one, check out the Tools menu at mycoach.zone

Episode 195: Mastery Learning is THE Transformational Education Innovation with Scott Ellis

Episode 196: What Works Better than Rewards? with Melissa Benaroya

Parents are all tempted to offer kids rewards to get them to do things. That approach backfires. Instead, to help kids learn to take responsibility: * Enforceable statements in which you focus on what you’re going to do or allow. * Limited choices that give kids some say. * Empathy rather than interference Melissa’s website: www.melissabenaroya.com/ To read the article based on this video, visit www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-works-better-than-rewards-melissa-benaroya-senia-maymin/ For more tools, check out the Tips for Parents section in the Tools menu of mycoach.zone

Episode 197: Virtual Meetings Don’t Have to Be Boring with Melissa Dinwiddie

Many suggestions including * Merge work and play * “Yes, and” mindset * The present time dance Don’t be afraid to bring play into the virtual work environment. For the LinkedIn article based on this video, visit www.linkedin.com/pulse/virtual-meetings-dont-have-boring-melissa-dinwiddie-senia-maymin For other videos in this series, check out the Tools menu at mycoach.zone

Episode 198: If You Haven’t Connected with Your Most Important Contacts Lately, Try This

Episode 199: When You’re Frustrated and Want to Vent with Senia Maymin

When we are going through a difficult time, it can be helpful to share our feelings with others. But sometimes we are so overwhelmed that we dump our worries on our loved ones. How can we consciously and considerately share our concerns with others? Senia explains the questions + emotion framework. For the LinkedIn article based on this video, visit www.linkedin.com/pulse/when-youre-frustrated-want-vent-senia-maymin/ For more videos in this series, check out the Tools menu at mycoach.zone

Episode 200: Sal Khan, the Squirrel, and the Pomegranate

This is part of the Believe Show. Sal believes that it works best to assume good intent. Openness inspires others to be open. His two actions for humanity: * Meditate. See yourself as another entity in the woods, like the squirrel. * Do at least two kind actions a day. For the LinkedIn article based on this video, visit www.linkedin.com/pulse/sal-khan-squirrel-pomegranate-senia-maymin Khan Academy: www.khanacademy.org/ For other videos in this series, consult the Tools menu at mycoach.zone/workremote

Episode 201: When You Have Zoom Fatigue, Try These 10 Actions with Nico Rose

This is part of the Believe Show. Nico Rose believes that we are suffering from Zoom fatigue during the pandemic not because Zoom itself is hard, but because we having enough reinvigorating microconnections with other people. Nico and Senia between them came up with a list of 10 actions that can help. For the article based on this video, visit www.linkedin.com/pulse/when-you-have-zoom-fatigue-try-10-actions-nico-rose-senia-maymin For more about Dr. Nico Rose, visit www.linkedin.com/in/drnicorose/ For more videos in this series, check out the tools menu at mycoach.zone

Episode 202: Design Your Life: A Personal Retreat Approach with Yee Ming Tan

This is part of the Believe Show. Ming believes that it’s not enough to get rid of what’s wrong in our lives. We also need to enhance what’s right. Ming describes the two day retreats that she runs to help clients design their lives. They include time outside with nature and time reflecting on what’s already good and what needs attention. To read the LinkedIn article based on this video, visit www.linkedin.com/pulse/design-your-life-personal-retreat-approach-yee-ming-tan-senia-maymin To learn more about Yee Ming Tan, visit www.thirdthinking.com/ To find other videos in this series, check out the Tools menu at mycoach.zone

Episode 203: How to Avoid the Conclusion Trap with Dan Markovitz

This is an episode in the Believe Show. Dan believes that people spend too much time focused on problem solving and not enough time understanding the problem. Premature solutions often miss the point. The 4 steps he suggest are: 1. Go and see 2. Properly frame your problem 3. Think backwards, perhaps using a fishbone diagram 4. Ask why. To read the LinkedIn article based on this video, www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-avoid-conclusion-trap-dan-markovitz-senia-maymin/ Dan Markovitz is the author of The Conclusion Trap: amzn.to/3s9iUpu For more videos in this series, check out the Tools menu at mycoach.zone

Episode 204: Diversity in Entrepreneurship with Rashmi Menon

* Entrepreneurship is innate in all people. * We need everybody. There are so many big problems we have to solve in the world today. We need everybody working on these. * We need those unique and diverse viewpoints to bring in new ways to solve these problems. To read the LinkedIn article based on this video, visit www.linkedin.com/pulse/diversity-entrepreneur-community-rashmi-menon-senia-maymin For more about Rashmi Menon, visit www.linkedin.com/in/rashmimenon/ For more videos in this series, check out the tools menu at mycoach.zone

Episode 205: What If You or A Friend Becomes a Sudden Caregiver? with Karen Warner

Karen Warner walked us through the caregiver’s paradox: that caregiving for someone else can be intensely stressful and at the same time meaningful and rewarding. Her book was released in Kindle (Feb 16) and paperback (Feb 19): amzn.to/37jK2tX She discusses ways to maintain well-being as a caregiver and to help someone else who is suddenly faced with the need to be a caregiver. To read the LinkedIn article based on this video, visit www.linkedin.com/pulse/when-you-friend-becomes-sudden-caregiver-karen-warner-senia-maymin For more about Karen Warner, see www.thesuddencaregiver.com/ For similar videos, check out the tools menu at mycoach.zone

Episode 206: Discipline Policies in the Workplace Don’t Work with LaKenzise Mayberry

This episode is in the Believe Show. LaKenzise believes that discipline policies in the workplace don’t work at all. Punitive consequences do not help. Instead have a human conversation. Talk about what’s going on. * Are they unaware of expectations? * Do they not have what they need to perform? * Is something else happening in their lives? For more videos in this series, check out the Tools menu at mycoach.zone

Episode 207: Everyday Resilience with Ilene, Alex, and Kelly

Kelly Beischel, Alex Jack, and Ilene Schaffer had many suggestions for preparing today to meet what comes tomorrow, whether it is an everyday challenge or a major upheaval. For the LinkedIn article based on this video, see www.linkedin.com/posts/seniamaymin_what-steps-can-we-take-to-be-prepared-when-activity-6772958084185907200-hNlT For more videos in this series, see the Tools menu at mycoach.zone

Episode 208: The NEW Way to Write Your Resume with Doug Turner

Doug Turner has seen thousands of resumes, and he has been following changes in the way resumes are processed by prospective employers. He works with people who are looking for jobs. In this video, he provides several tips for ways to enhance the possibility of getting an interview. For the LinkedIn article based on this video, see www.linkedin.com/pulse/new-way-write-your-resume-doug-turner-senia-maymin For more videos in this series, see the Tools menu at mycoach.zone

Episode 209: Lecture Less so They Learn More with Philip Maymin

Dr. Philip Z. Maymin believes we should stop thinking of people as buckets that we fill with knowledge when we teach them. It works better to provide them with puzzles that they have to solve themselves, analyzing what does and doesn’t work. To read the LinkedIn article based on this video, visit www.linkedin.com/posts/seniamaymin_learninginnovation-learninganddevelopment-activity-6772894136950489088-rBl3 For more videos in this series, visit the TOOLS menu at mycoach.zone

Episode 210: Racial Equity in Choosing Vendors with Imani Missouri

Episode 211: Putting Yourself Out There with Senia Maymin

Three frameworks can help us move enough out of our comfort zones to excel: * Focusing on bravery: Doing what is right even when it’s hard * Going big enough * Asking ourselves, “What is one thing that only I can do?” For more videos in this series, check out the Tools menu at mycoach.zone

Episode 212: What’s Your New Hobby as of TODAY with Senia Maymin

Episode 213: Life Beyond the Porch with Alicia Booker

This is an episode of the Believe Show. Her belief: It is possible to live our truth. This is the subject of her book, Getting Off the Porch. * What does it mean to live our own truths? * What are the actions that help us get off the porch, stop waiting for others’ approval? * How do we let go of self-limiting beliefs? Alicia’s book: amzn.to/3vDwx1V For more videos in this series, check out the Tools menu at mycoach.zone

E214: Improve Your Life Through Mindfulness with Philip Maymin

Philip Maymin discusses mindfulness and the work he has done with Ellen Langer. They are writing the article, Better than Better. * Mindfulness is the active process of noticing new things. * Many of life’s phenomena can be viewed in terms of Worse – Better – Better than Better * Not trying is worse than trying, but just doing is even better A LinkedIn article about this talk appears here: www.linkedin.com/pulse/mindfulness-can-improve-your-life-philip-maymin-senia-maymin

Episode 215: Intuition and Intellect Are Complements Not Competitors with Nil Demircubuk

Nil Demircubuk leads us through * a fast method of combining intellect and intuition * the Menemen technique, a slower method appropriate for really complex and unfamiliar problems For an article based on this video, visit www.linkedin.com/pulse/use-menemen-technique-combine-intuition-intellect-nil-senia-maymin For more videos in this series, check out the Tools menu at mycoach.zone

E216: Well-Being Needs an Enduring Connection to Nature with Ryan Whisnant

This is an episode in the Believe Show. Ryan believes that an enduring connection to nature is a critical component of well-being. He makes several suggestions, including * Find a sit spot to watch. Visit it frequently * Widen your awareness circle by narrowing your disturbance circle * Watch birds * Follow tracks

Episode 217: What Will You Choose to Challenge in 2021 with Abigail Charpentier and Ilene Schaffer

Three women gathered on International Women’s Day to discuss this year’s IWD theme: Choose to Challenge. After sharing stories, they ended with these actions they hope everyone will take: * To just do it, not be afraid, and just try it. Like trying on clothes, we can try on positive actions. * To be compassionate to self and others. Allow yourself to fail and get back up again. * Put “Choose to challenge” on a post-it note to remind you to be courageous. For other videos in the MyCoach tools series, see the Tools menu at mycoache.zone

Episode 218: Negotiation as Collaborative Problem-Solving with Margaret Neale

This is part of the Believe Show. Margaret Neale believes that negotiation works better as collaborative problem-solving. * Make proposals that it is easy for the other person to accept. * Instead of issue by issue, propose packages: I propose a package of actions that will give me what I want and help me help you solve your problems. Margaret Neale has a TEDx talk about learning negotiation skills from her horse: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTTtn0i_ZyA For the LinkedIn article based on this video, see [to be added]

Episode 219: Capitalize on Adversity with Gemma Nastasi

This is an episode in the Believe Show. Gemma believes that we can find opportunity during times of adversity. * Take good care of ourselves * Give ourselves deadlines to stop ruminating * Make a plan and take action * Believe that good can come of hardship. Gemma’s web site: gemmahealthcoach.com

Episode 220: Let’s Not Put People in Shoeboxes, with Angela Duckworth

This is a episode in the Believe Series. Angela Duckworth doesn’t believe * In using personality tests to sort people into strict categories She prefers * Understanding personality in more nuanced ways * Recognizing that we all differ on continuums for things like creativity, schizophrenia, ADHD, introversion/extraversion, and so on. For more videos like this, see the Tools menu at mycoach.zone

What strategies do our coaches have for you?

Quick suggestions for flourishing during and after this perilous time from 10 Silicon Valley Change coaches.