New Tool

    • Why
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Sanjay worked at a high tech company and he noticed that people were on their phones and on their screens all the time during meetings. He wanted the more engaged and to be brainstorming more. Here is something that he tried based on a recommendation from his coach.

infographic v1-01
  • When
This when field will only show up in this tool
  • What
This what field will only show up in this tool
  • Working?
  • You know it’s working if the audience is hanging on everyword
  • What Else?
  • If it’s not working, trying playing to all four audiences in the room, rule #6 and having fun, or telling a SARI Story

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Goldin, C.D., & Katz, L.F. (2008)
The race between education & technology.
Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.