Remember to Breathe

    • Why
  • You want to get grounded in the moment

1) To build cohesive teams across distances, Brian recommends breathing together. That helps people do some of the aligning they do naturally when they meet in the same room.

2) Different kinds of breathing produce different moods and mindsets a) High, shallow, quick breathing (Leaning forward toward screen) — associated with anxiety b) Middle breathing (Sitting back, lower and slower) — Makes you more open c) Dropped breathing (Breathe from belly, slowly) — Calming

3) Slow dropped breathing available to you at any time to combat incoherent thoughts!

Book he mentioned early in the talk: Suzanne Zeman’s Listening to Bodies: A Somatic Primer –

Also recommended HeartMath: Visit Brian’s bio at

  • When
  • In a meeting or between meetings
  • What
  • Three different ways to take a breath
  • Working?
  • If you feel calmer