OMID ALAEI is a coach, researcher and public speaker using the science of positive psychology to help people and organizations to thrive. Beside his background in engineering, he holds his master degree in Socioeconomic systems engineering, Certificate in Psychology, Certificate of Applied Positive Psychology, Certificate of Positive Psychology Coaching Interventions and Certificate of Appreciative Inquiry from Champlain College (David L. Cooperrider Center for Appreciative Inquiry). Also, he’s currently studying Master of Applied Positive Psychology at Buckinghamshire University.

Omid has worked as executive director, coach, and consultant in multi-national organizations in Europe, Asia, and North America for more than two decades. He has practiced transformational coaching for more than 15 years and conducted numbers of personal/ organizational development seminars such as Character strength, Positive Leadership, Appreciative Inquiry, Psychological Capital, Acculturation, Youth resiliency and LEGO serious play.
Omid is a member of Canadian Positive Psychology Association (CPPA), Institute of Coaching – McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School (IOC), Canadian Association of Public Speakers (CAPS) and International Coaching Federation (ICF).