Who do we collect data about?

SVC collects data only about coaching individuals and potential coaching individuals for whom SVC has been contracted to provide coaching services by its client companies.  Thus no information is kept about any visitors to this site who are interested in the information that SVC provides to the public.

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What data do we collect?

Data collected initially for a particular coaching individual may include some or all of the following data collected to support the coaching engagement.  Individuals always have the option not to answer.

  • Contact information, such as phone, geography, company email
  • Individual preferences concerning coaching style
  • Individual goals for coaching
  • Individual answers to coaching-relevant questions

If the coaching follows an internal training program, the client company may share with SVC the results of self-assessment inventories used during the training, such as:

  • Hermann Brain Dominance Indicator
  • VIA character strengths inventory
  • StrengthsFinder

In addition, depending on the agreement between SVC and the client company, SVC will ask the individual to fill out surveys for measures both before the coaching begins and after it ends. These measures allow a before and after comparison of coaching that will be reported back to the company only in aggregate form. None of this information is shared with the client company on an individual basis.


Why do we collect data?

We have four primary purposes for collecting and maintaining data:

  • To support good matches between individuals and coaches taking into account the needs and style of the particular individual.
  • To coach effectively.   To support their coaching, coaches often maintain notes in order to refresh their memories before coaching sessions.
  • To support our own continuous improvement by observing what works and what could be even better.  The before and after data particularly helps us see how well things are working.
  • To demonstrate to client companies the return on their investment in coaching.

How do we protect data?

SVC Administration keeps all individual data used for administration and reporting in a single secure database. Access to the data associated with any particular individual is restricted to the coach involved and the administrative staff, who use it to monitor and support the coaching engagement.

The specific information that coaches collect during coaching calls is not shared with the administrative staff.  The coaches follow coaching ethical guidelines to maintain the confidentiality of this data and protect it from exposure to anyone besides the individual. In particular, this specific information from coaching sessions is never shared with the client company.

Client companies ask for general data about what their employees are coached about.  We ask the coach to match a particular individual’s goals to one of a number of themes.  Thus the client company gets only information in an aggregate general form. The coach does not share the specific goals of the individual that emerge during coaching with anyone, including SVC staff.

SVC does not share the email addresses in the database with anyone outside SVC, and only within SVC on a need-to-know basis.


How do we collect data?

We initially receive the names and email addresses of potential coaching individuals from our client companies, who have selected them to receive coaching as a client company benefit.

We then send an individual an email with a link to a form requesting information that will facilitate the coaching engagement, as described above.

This form includes several statements that the individual must agree to in order for coaching to occur.

For individuals that do not respond, SVC may remind them of the coaching opportunity within the first six months.  After that, we keep their name and email so that we can respond to queries from the client company.

We sometimes augment our records with publicly available information from LinkedIn.


Your Rights with Respect to Your Data

If you have ever received emails from SVC concerning coaching, you may be in our database as a past, ongoing, or potential coaching individual.  You have the following rights:

  • To see the data about you that appears in our database
  • To request changes in the data
  • To request that your data be de-identified, that is, that your name be disassociated with the data
  • To request that your data be omitted altogether

To make these requests, please use the following form. Be sure to identify the client company that sponsored your coaching.